
Easy Natural Laundry Detergent with Castile Soap

Homemade Laundry Detergent with Dr. Bronner's Castile Soap

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  1. Take your two gallon bucket and pour lukewarm to cold water in the bottom of it, about an inch high of water
  2. Add the dry powders (baking soda, super washing soda)
  3. Add more water if necessary to cover the powders then take your hand mixer or immersion blender and blend the powders for a few minutes, or until it is fully blended and there are no clumps.
  4. Fill your two-gallon bucket up almost all the way with tap water (the temperature doesn’t matter).
  5. Add the castile soap (this helps it not to bubble up), and stir with a long-handled spoon.
  6. Using the funnel, pour into your containers.
  7. Use 1/3 cup per load for HE washers, or 1/2 cup for non HE washers.


Other Supplies Needed:

  • 2 one-gallon containers in which to store the detergent (I recycled an old laundry detergent container and a vinegar jug)
  • A measuring cup or two
  • A two-gallon bucket or larger (I used my old mop bucket)
  • Funnel to pour the detergent from the bucket into the containers (not necessary but certainly helpful!)
  • 1 hand blender or immersion blender