3/4 to 1 cup honey (raw, organic, local honey is best)
4 cups distilled water
1/2 tablespoon cinnamon
2 tbsp. fresh ginger root, minced or finely chopped
Place the echinacea, licorice, cinnamon and ginger into a pot of 4 cups of distilled water.
Heat water until boiling, then reduce to a simmer for 45 minutes (the longer it simmers the more goodness you’ll get out of the herbs). Reduce the water by half.
Sift out the herbs from the water by using a French press or cheese cloth.
Pour into a jar and let it cool until warm.
Add the honey and stir.
Take 1-2 tablespoons 2-3 times a day at the first sign of a cold or flu and continue taking as needed.