Do you have a blog, Etsy store or business you would like to advertise on my blog? Here at My Merry Messy Life, you'll advertise on a newer blog (started February 2012) that offers free crochet patterns, green living tips, DIY green homemaking projects, recipes from cooking with children, and musings on motherhood that gets (as of 2/2014):
- over 300,000 page views a month
- over 140,000 unique visitors a month
- has 0ver 30,000 Facebook followers
- over 30,000 Pinterest followers
- in 434 Google Plus circles
- over 2,220 Twitter followers, and those numbers climb every day.
I have done reviews and or giveaways with Red Heart Yarns, Lion Brand Yarn, Green Toys, WonderMill Grain Mill, Seventh Generation, Mountain Rose Herbs, Tropical Traditions, Good Food Made Simple, Aquatopia, Woolzies Wool Dryer Balls, and Astrobrights.
Here are the options – I'll happily include your ad if I feel it's a good fit for my readers and both options run for 30 days (see below to purchase, all appear above “My Fav Products on Amazon”)
- $25 for a 125 x 125 px ad – runs for 30 days
- $50 for a 150 x 150 px ad – runs for 30 days
- $100 for a 325 x 150 px ad – runs for 30 days
- $150 for a 300 x 250 px ad – runs for 30 day
- A link to your business or your logo – $50 for 30 days
Contact me at sara (at) mymerrymessylife (dot) com to purchase.
For a Sponsored Article, All Content is Subject to Approval. Rates Are as Follows:
- Article with 1 link & 1 image – $125
- Article with 2 links & 1 image – $175
- (150-200 words) – 1 link & 1 image – $75
- (200-300 words) – 2 links & 2 images – $200
- Other options are available such as a post swap, or a barter situation. Please contact me to discuss at sara (at) mymerrymessylife (dot) com.