Homemade All-Natural Purifying Mouthwash

An easy recipe for a homemade purifying mouthwash with essential oils that leaves your mouth feeling fresh helps with bad breath, and even helps to prevent tooth decay by remineralizing the teeth with calcium carbonate – all with no harmful chemicals!

Homemade Mouthwash - Remineralizing, Purifying and Natural

Have you looked at the ingredients in your traditional mouthwash lately? It reads much more like a science experiment than anything, full of dyes and wonderful things like ethanol, alcohol, and methyl salicylate. It also comes with a caution that if swallowed at all, call poison control immediately. Has anyone ever successfully kept the mouthwash from being swallowed? Not me. A little bit always goes down! Also not good when I have little ones running around who are pretty adept at opening locked drawers and supposedly child-proof containers! Although, I will report that the EWG (Environmental Working Group) doesn't give your typical mouthwash a horrible rating for toxicity – 4 out of 10 with 10 being highly toxic, which is moderately hazardous (read the report here). Still, I'd much rather make my own so I know exactly what's in it and know that it's not toxic at all. So, I whipped up this concoction in my kitchen and really like the outcome! This mouthwash leaves my mouth feeling minty fresh. Here are the ingredients I used, with the recipe below.

It is so important that we take care of our mouths. Did you know there are over 700 germs that live in there and scientists have only named 300 of them? And the mouth is where so many germs start to grow and are introduced into our bodies.

More About the Ingredients I Chose

Calcium Carbonate (optional)

This is a powdered form of calcium that supports bones and teeth and may help to remineralize and strengthen weakened teeth! It is considered a dietary supplement from the brand I chose (where to buy).

Xylitol (optional)

A natural sugar-free sweetener found in many foods and may also help to prevent tooth decay because the bacteria in our mouths cannot use it as a source of energy, according to WebMD. I put it in this mouthwash because I can't stand the aftertaste of hydrogen peroxide and wanted to sweeten it to make it more pleasant to use and gargle.

Homemade Remineralizing Mouthwash with Essential OilsEssential Oils

I'm crazy about essential oils, and use them every day! We have seen major improvements to our health, but it wasn't until I was using very high-quality essential oils, like the ones found at Young Living. I cannot recommend any other brand because many of them clearly say on the bottle – do not take internally. Young Living's oils are pure and potent and are safe to be taken internally (unless it is wintergreen or eucalyptus).

Essential oils add a powerful purifying kick to this mouthwash by helping to keep germs from the mouth. This would even be a good mouthwash to use when you need some extra immune support, especially when you add Thieves. I have gargled that oil many a time (with water) to support my immune system during the winter months.

When using essential oils, it's very important to store your mouthwash in a glass container as they will break down plastic or styrofoam, leaching those chemicals into your mouthwash! Plus light and oxygen will cause them to oxidate, leaving them powerless. So store them in a tightly sealed, dark container like this one!

Essential Oils that Support Oral Health – Thieves Vitality, Lemon Vitality, Clove Vitality, Cinnamon Bark Vitality (vitality is an indication that it's an oil that can be safely ingested)

Freshening Oils (great for bad breath)Peppermint Vitality, Lemon Vitality, Orange Vitality, Citrus Fresh Vitality

Homemade Remineralizing Mouthwash with Essential Oils

Note: This recipe is flexible. If you want a stronger taste of the oils you're using, add another drop! But I suggest only adding one drop at a time because, believe it or not, it is VERY strong. This recipe is pretty mild and diluted, so I suggest starting here and tweaking it according to your tastes.

The Recipe

Yield – 16 ounces, or 2 cups


  • Boil the container or jar you're going to use for the mouthwash to kill bacteria first.
  • Put your dry ingredients in the container first.
  • Add the essential oils to the powders (this will help to disperse the essential oils throughout the solution so they don't just sit on top).
  • Combine all ingredients in a 16 oz. container (2 cups) and shake well to combine and dissolve.
  • When using, shake well then pour from the container into a cup so as not to introduce germs to your bottle.

The Oil Pulling Challenge with My Merry Messy Life to transform your health and detoxify your body!

Oil Pulling

Oil Pulling is an excellent and healthy way to maintain dental health. Read more here!

Shelf Life

Store in a dark, amber bottle. If you do not have a brown bottle, there are several ways to keep this mouthwash fresh:

  • Refrigerate it  – this isn't terribly practical for me, but if it is for you, this is the best way to preserve it!
  • Cover the jar or bottle you have in dark contact paper or keep it in an opaque bag, like a brown lunch sack.
  • Keep it in a dark cabinet that isn't exposed to light. (this is what I do)
  • It should last for several months if taken care of properly, but if you're using it every day, it won't last that long anyway.

WARNING: Xylitol is very toxic to dogs. Make sure to keep it stored away from your fur babies!

How to Purchase High Quality Essential Oils through My Merry Messy Life

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