Hookin On Hump Day #21 – Link Party for the Fiber Arts
It's hump day again! Welcome back for another chance to strut your stuff – whether you sew, crochet, knit, work with felt, embroider, cross-stitch or work with any kind of fiber!
My big charity event, “Crochet, Knit and Sew Your Way to Help Victims of Hurricane Sandy” is still going on! Here's a chance to use your talents to make a hat, scarf, mittens, or donate a warm-weather item or two from your closets. Click on the link for all the details!
Here are my favorite projects from last week, and this time, despite there also being some fantastic crochet projects, I really liked these three sewing posts!
#1 – “A Complete Reunion” quilt by Candace of Saltwater Quilts.
I love the fabric she chose and the modern, intricate design. Not only that, she donated it to her church!
#2 – Kids Crayon & Coloring Book Carrier by Amber of Crazy Little Projects.
What adorable fabrics she chose! I would have loved this as a kid because I loved to color and draw. It would make such a sweet Christmas gift!
#3 – DIY Purse Camera Bag {Tutorial} by Lisa of Wine and Glue.
Lisa has an excellent photo tutorial on how you can sew a camera insert into any purse you like!
Great job everyone! Now go grab your I’ve Been Featured button and relish in the spotlight. I’ll be pinning you on my Pinterest Board and featuring you on Facebook and sometimes Google+!
Now onto this week’s party! Here are a few simple rules:
- Please link your post back to me at https://www.mymerrymessylife.comfollow or grab the party button here. I’d also really appreciate if you’d follow me on one of my social media links (see at the top of the sidebar), and I will happily follow back (just leave me a comment that you’re following me from here)!-
- Please visit at least one other link and leave a comment on their post so we can really support each other! No linking and running allowed!
- Please remember to link to your actual project URL and not your homepage URL.
- Please, no Etsy stores. Just blog posts.