Hookin On Hump Day #71 – Link Party for the Fiber Arts

This session of our incredible fiber arts link party, shows how we have bloggers all over the world participating! We have a blogger from the US, THREE from Germany and one from Spain! Crochet is loved the world over. As always, this party is co-hosted by the lovely Tamara from Moogly!

Hookin On Hump Day #72 - Link Party for the Fiber Arts

#1 Most Clicked Link – Sea Song Crochet Blanket by Felted Button – one of the most unique blanket patterns I've seen! Pattern available for purchase.

#2 – A “Pengu” Comforter for Babies (Ein “Pengu”-Schnuffeltuch für Babies) by Crochet Around the World – such a cute lovey blanket that links to a FREE pattern!

#3 – Flittering Butterflies Crochet Wreath (in English and German!) by Crochetier – such a simple, yet beautiful wreath! FREE pattern!

#4 – Mini Mandalas by My World of Colour – links to a FREE pattern (and another pattern from a German blogger!)

#5 – Um X Para Sevilha – A SHAWL TO SEVILLA by Ana Love Craft – a gorgeous Flamenco shawl and a story about travelling to Sevilla with it!

Great job everyone! Now go grab your “I've Been Featured” button here!

A Few Party Rules

  • Please link your post back to one of the hostessesMy Merry Messy Life or Moogly, or grab the Hookin on Hump Day party button here. Without a button on your site or link back on your post, we will not be able to feature it the following week.
  • I'd also really appreciate if you’d follow me on one of my social media links (see the icons at the top left of the page), and I will happily follow back (just leave me a comment that you’re following me from here, and include a link to your own page)!
  • Please visit at least one other link and leave a comment on their post so we can really support each other!
  • Please remember to link to your actual project URL and not your homepage URL, and use the name of your project or post, not your own name.
  • Please, no Etsy stores, Facebook pages, giveaways or other link parties. Just blog posts to your actual projects.
Let’s see what those hands have been up to this week! Remember, this party is in RANDOM order, so there’s no such thing as being late.

New to the party? To receive reminder emails each week about the party, enter your email here. Otherwise, I won't pester you if you'd rather not receive a reminder!

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