Home Habits 101: Learn Small Habits to Regain Control of Your Home and Life
Get your home and life back on track by learning one small habit a day for 21 days!
Home Habits 101
Discover how simple baby steps can build lifelong habits and help you regain control of your home, life and mental clarity. In 21-days you will create habits that will make you feel better about yourself, your home and your family.
Come on in, with your messy hair, leggings, and stained t-shirt, and lean on someone else for a change!
Do you feel exhausted, overwhelmed and discouraged?
You feel overwhelmed, exhausted and out of control when it comes to managing your home and family life.
You'd like an easy, step-by-step, life reset button and don't have much money or time to invest.
You feel like you're drowning in clutter and your house is always dirty. You feel like you just can't get ahead – always playing catch up.
Happy Notes
It's not as if we are all magically born with homemaking skills! Running a household is like running a business – we need skills, training and support.
But you know what?
I've been in your shoes… and finally found a better way.
I used to feel totally overwhelmed when it came to managing my home and being a mom. I struggled to know how to organize basic things in our lives like when to clean, deep clean, stay on top of the laundry (we were drowning in it!), how to plan our meals without stress, how to keep up with our family calendar and schedules, and make time for myself. I felt scattered, discouraged and disorganised most of the time. I was also sick of the clutter, dirt and disorganization in my home.
I started to implement the habits you'll learn in this course and I finally felt like I was back in charge of my own life again. The clutter decreased, my house became cleaner, and I felt more calm and in control.
Home Habits 101
Each day you will add one new, very small and easy habit that will help you clear the cobwebs from your mind, declutter and organize your stuff, consistently clean your home, and even learn to take care of yourself. Let's face it – home management is not a skill we are born with just because we are women (can I get an amen?!). Managing a home well takes organizational skills that many people aren't born with and have to learn – like me! In this course, and in my other courses, I teach you the same skills I learned back in 2018 that led to me totally transforming my home and mind for the better.

Let's get down to business
Here is what we cover…
Module one
Personal Habits
In the first week, we focus on personal habits that will help you to start feeling better and less overwhelmed right away. If we don't feel good about ourselves and take care of ourselves first, then all of the rest of the puzzle pieces of our lives fall apart. So we start with ourselves first!
Module Two
Basics of Home Cleaning & Decluttering
Then we move on to some simple basic habits to start seeing some improvement in your home. Shining your kitchen sink, cleaning up some section, quick cleaning habits, decluttering small spaces, and more!
Basics of Life Management
In the last section, we finish by learning the basics of managing your life. This part will help you to feel much more organized and less overwhelmed. This is where the magic really starts to happen!
“You'll never change your life until you change something you do daily. The secret of your success is found in your daily routine.”
If purchased by itself, this course is only $9.99!
21 Lessons
Printable eBook
You can get this course for free if you purchase my “Transform Your Home Course!”
Get this course for free by purchasing my course,
Transform Your Home!
Meet Your Teacher 🙂
Hi! I'm SARa.
I'm a mom like you.
Hi. I'm Sara. A very busy mama of 4! My mission is to help moms simplify their homes, reduce stress and create a cleaner, healthier environment for their families. I can help you transform your home into a space you love with tips on decluttering, home organization and cleaning routines to recipes for making your own natural cleaning, laundry and beauty products – it's all here!
As a mom of four I can get overwhelmed A LOT. And my life and home can sometimes feel SO messy! So you are not alone and we can go through the messy merriness of mom life together.