Green and Natural House Cleaning Recipes and Buying Guide
If you would like to reduce the toxins in your home, you've come to the right place! Here is the list of all my green and natural cleaning recipes on the blog, updated regularly.
I became interested in green and non-toxic cleaning after my second son was born, when a friend lent me her copy of  “Clean House, Clean Planet”. I read that sucker cover to cover and loved learning all her recipes for non-toxic cleaners. Ever since, I've been making my own at home for a fraction of the cost of the toxic ones, let alone the non-toxic ones in the stores!
Here are all my natural cleaning recipes on the blog, and I'll add more as I create them.
Around the House
- The Magic and Reality of Dr. Bronner’s Castile Soap
- Homemade Reusable Disinfecting Wipes – All Natural
- Tips for Green Carpet Cleaning and Maintenance
- Homemade Citrus-Infused Vinegar for Green Cleaning
- My Favorite Homemade Green Household Cleaners with Free Printables
- How to Start Making Your Own Non-Toxic Cleaning Supplies at Home
- DIY Household Cleaning Products – 100% Green {Some Recipes – Part 2)
- Green & Non-Toxic Carpet Cleaning from All-Star ChemDry

- Homemade Drain Cleaner – Green and Non-Toxic
- Homemade Deodorizing Spray – Non-Toxic and Green
- Homemade Toilet Bowl Cleaner Recipe – Non Toxic
- Homemade Reusable Disinfecting Wipes – All Natural
- Homemade All-Natural Foaming Hand Soap with Free Printable Label

- Homemade Natural Fabric Stain Remover – Non-Toxic and Frugal!
- DIY Homemade Laundry Detergent – Cheap and Green {free printable}
- Natural Laundry Fragrance and Softener
- Hydrogen Peroxide – An Amazing Green Bleach Alternative

- Homemade Dishwashing Detergent – Cheap and Green with a Free Printable Label
- Homemade Drain Cleaner – Green and Non-Toxic
- Homemade All-Natural Foaming Hand Soap with Free Printable Label
Buying Guide
Are you interested in starting to make your own cleaners at home but are overwhelmed by how to do it and where to start? I suggest doing one thing at a time, take baby steps. Pick one cleaner on this list and make it. Get used to how it works and where the supplies are in your grocery store. Then, make another one. Before you know it, you'll be like me and the toxic cleaners will be gone forever, along with the toxic load on your house and body.
Here are the basic ingredients I use in almost all my household cleaners:
- White Distilled Vinegar (where to buy)
- Dr. Bronner's Peppermint Castile Soap (any scent is fine, this is just my favorite for cleaning) (where to buy)
- Baking Soda (where to buy)
- Essential Oils – the ones I use the most are lavender, tea tree oil, lemon, and Purification (where to buy high quality essential oils)
- Super Washing Soda (you can make this by baking soda, but I cook all the time so I buy it instead!) (where to buy)
- Industrial Spray Bottle (where to buy)
Interested in what you see here? Check out my eBook, 31 Days to Detoxify Your Life, for even more green and natural cleaning products for your home. This 200-page book includes recipes to detox your home, body, food and medicine cabinet!
Thanks for sharing these recipes with us.