How Moms Can Have a Meaningful Career We Love
In this episode #30, you will learn valuable career advice as a mom – how to have a meaningful career you love and keep your children first. Where your career, your family, and you as a person can thrive and be successful.

Episode Recap
As moms, it can feel difficult and even sometimes impossible to be both fulfilled in a job or career and be fulfilled as a mom. We feel like one or both will suffer, but what if there is another way? My guest, Lynne Golodner, a business coach and owner of a public relations and marketing firm, has been able to find joy in her career while putting her family first and she shares with us steps she's taken to enjoy both.
Links In This Episode
- Lynnes’s website –
- Lynne's marketing firm, Your People
- Lynne's podcast, Make Meaning
- Find Lynne on Facebook here, and Instagram here
- Check out my album for moms, Mindful Mamas – Affirmations and Meditations for Moms and Kids
- See all of the episodes from The Merry Messy Moms Show here
- Join in the fun & conversation in The Merry Messy Moms Show Facebook group
About Lynne Golodner
Lynne Golodner is passionate about storytelling, empowering people and organizations to find their voice and use it to improve their communities. A writer, author, entrepreneur, and Fulbright Specialist, Lynne has focused her career on creating compelling stories and building authentic relationships. She’s worked for herself since 1998, often rising at 5 a.m. to start her workday if it means she can chaperone a field trip or row the Detroit River before sunset with her husband.
She is a mom of four kids and keeps her family first as she enjoys a fulfilling, meaningful, and successful career.
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2:00 Lynne's early years of graduating from the University of Michigan and working as a journalist, then how she pivoted as a mom to public relations and marketing to find more meaning and autonomy in her career.
9:00 She shares how she started her company, Your People, right as she was getting a divorce and the economy was crashing in 2007 and how she worked during nap times, bedtimes, and in the early morning hours around her current job and mom life to get her new business established. The business gave her the financial security she needed to be on her own.
12:00 Lynne talks about how she leaned on the wisdom of successful business owners and found mentors to help her succeed. She says if you can have the humility to admit you need help, it will go far.
13:40 We discuss together how scrappy we are as moms – how we can squeeze 8 hours of work into four hours because we are used to getting so much done during naps and bedtimes.
15:17 – She dives into how she's been able to keep her children first. She's remarried today and now has four kids, but she is still able to go to their activities, sports games, school events, etc., because of how she schedules her work time. She says her teenagers need her now more than ever, and it's not at the expense of her work. She says work has its place, but it doesn't suffer, and neither do her kids.
19:00 – She talks about how she is able to also include time for herself in her busy day by scheduling time to meditate, exercise, or just sit and drink a cup of coffee. And how she's adjusted her schedule as the pandemic came along.
23:17 – Practical advice for stay-at-home moms who want to start a career or get back into their previous careers. Lynne's company helps moms (and others) start a career from a place of meaning and what you're drawn to. She helps them get to the core of who they are and what their passions, talents, and gifts are.
27:21 – She uses the same approach to keep tabs on herself. She's a writer at her core, it's what she loves to do. And if she gets too far away from that, she finds she becomes unhappy and dissatisfied in her career. So she's careful to continue to reevaluate herself to keep herself on track.
29:37 – We discuss how there are so many options for people to get to choose careers they truly love today because of the internet. Anything from baking to exercise to yoga to writing – all of it can be done online and you and reach a worldwide audience. It's easier now more than ever to have a career AND get to enjoy being a mom.
31:54 – We talk about how we're living in a new time and how we can even look at our lifestyles and ask, how can my lifestyle help support my dreams? During this pandemic, it's helped all of us see where we can cut the fat out of our budgets and cut out the activities and events on our calendars that don't truly bring us joy.
37:34 – To the mamas who want to switch careers or start a new, meaningful career, Lynne recommends that you give yourself permission to dream. Know the lifestyle you want for your family and build your career around that as well as your passions and talents. And the truth is that you will be monetarily successful and have enough when you approach your life from the perspective of finding purpose and meaning in all that you do. An intentional, well-lived life!