Why You Should Plan Your Outfit the Night Before
Until I tried it myself for a week, I never thought there was much point in planning your outfit the night before. But now I'm a total convert! It's all part of the Flylady system, which I've been using and loving to organize and manage my home.

How Planning Your Outfit the Night Before Helps
Before starting the Flylady system, I'd get up in the mornings and just grab some comfy pants and a t-shirt and call it a day. This habit comes after YEARS of having babies and barely having two seconds to get dressed while a baby is waiting on me. My youngest is now four-years-old, so I realized it's time for me to move on and get out of that phase!
It Gives Me a Sense of Purpose and Focus
When I groggily wake up and I'm greeted by a pretty outfit, it gives me a sense of peace that there is a purpose and plan to my day. The night before, I check my calendar and the weather to see which type of outfit I'll need for the next day. My brain works so slowly in the mornings, that it's so nice to have this already taken care of when I wake up!
Whether I'm working from home, working outside in the yard, running errands, hanging out with the family, going to see friends, etc., I change outfit accordingly. So the plan is already in place before I wake up – I don't have to wrack my brain early in the morning to try and figure all of it out as I already did the thinking and planning the night before.
It Saves Time
Most of us have to quickly get out the door in the mornings (or get little people out the door to school), and need every extra minute we can get! Picking out your outfit the night before helps to save time. Just grab it and throw it on!
It Lowers Stress
Planning your outfit the night before lowers stress because it's one less decision you have to make in the morning. I know I feel the most stress when I can't organize the thoughts in my head and have many decisions to make. Before starting the Flylady system and this particular habit, my brain felt so chaotic, with random, mumbo-jumbo to-do lists rattling around in there.
When my outfit is already picked out, it's three less decisions to make in the morning – outfit, weather, and calendar – all checked! The outfit is already decided, and since it's chosen based the weather and activities I'll be doing that day, it's less I have to think or make decisions about.

It Makes Me Feel More Beautiful and Confident
Putting in that extra bit of time to do something for myself makes a BIG difference in how I feel the next day. I wrote out a list when I started the Flylady system of things that make me feel good so I could narrow it down and make sure to focus on those things.
A few of those things were having a cute outfit, hair fixed, makeup done, and jewelry on. I really notice a positive difference, even when I'm staying home all day with my kids, in how I feel when I do those four things.
Before doing this method, I wouldn't do my hair or wear much jewelry and I felt frumpy. Frumpy leads to grumpy and also isolation! I would avoid doing important errands because I didn't want to be seen in public – how silly! I would also avoid going to visit a friend, or invite a neighbor or friend over because of how yucky I felt I looked.
It Helps Me Declutter My Clothes and Jewelry
This one was thing that surprised me! By planning my outfit the night before, I'm able to look at my closet like a designer. I “curate” my outfit and I've also been taking pictures of each outfit. I then really pay attention the next day to see what I like or don't like about the outfit.
It's help me to see which pieces of clothing and jewelry I rarely or never wear. Those can be decluttered and given to charity or to a friend for someone else to enjoy.

Planning Your Outfit the Night Before is FUN!
It's fun to wake up in the morning and be greeted with a pretty outfit. It's as if to say, “Good morning! Today is going to be a successful, great day!” Seriously, I know that must sound sooo cheesy, but try it! Give it a good solid week and then tell me how it makes you feel.
Pretend you're a designer, picking out an outfit for someone really rich (ahem, that person is YOU!) and beautiful and pick out only the best. It may sound goofy, but it works – try it!
Learn More About the Flylady System
Planning your outfit the night before is all part of the Flylady system that I've been using and loving. To put it very simply, it's a system to help you manage your home and life to reduce stress and chaos. It is a way of life! It helps you to be able to:
- Clean your home systematically, consistently and easily.
- Reduce mental clutter and stress by giving you a plan and a focus.
- Declutter your home by creating a habit of decluttering and organizing.
- Anchor your life with routines and healthy habits so you can be the homemaker and mother you truly want to be.
It's all based on the book by Marla Cilley, Sink Reflections, which I highly recommend buying to get a complete, in-depth overview of the system. It was an easy and enjoyable read for me. I teared up quite a few times while reading it because she truly understands what it's like to manage a home while being a mom. She speaks to our spirits, to our struggles, and offers easy and simple solutions to make our lives much better! She also has a website, FlyLady.net, if you'd like to check that out.
Dressing Your Truth System
One last thing I want to add is that I use the Dressing Your Truth system by Carol Tuttle to help me with my style. It's an amazing program that I highly recommend! I'm a Type 3/1 in her system. If you follow and love Carol Tuttle, I'd love for you to leave a comment below so we can connect! The program helps with more than just fashion, though. It helps you to understand, know, love and live your truth – the truth of your energy and personality. It's the BEST personality profiling program I've come across yet. Learn more about it here.

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Oh my goodness, this part – “Frumpy leads to grumpy and also isolation!”
This made me cry. This is exactly how I’ve been feeling for the past year, but I didn’t even realize it! It makes so much sense, and the solution seems so easy. I’m doing this!
Hi Ginger! Sending you lots of love – I hope picking out your outfit the night before has been helping you feel great!