10 Halloween Essential Oil Diffuser Blends

Create a spooky atmosphere for your parties with these fun Halloween essential oil diffuser blends!

Halloween Essential Oil Diffuser Blends and Recipes to create a spooky and fun atmosphere!

I Stopped Buying Scented Products…

I love to make my home smell like yummy, but when I used to use scented candles, plug-ins, and air fresheners, I found they would always give me a headache, make me feel confused, and even made my nose burn! I started to research why they’d affect me like that as I got into more natural living and found that these fragrance-filled products are very toxic to our health. 

Why? It’s because they disperse particles of formaldehyde and phthalates (thy-lates) into the air. Phthalates are small particles of plastic that are used to bind the artificial fragrance molecules together. We then breathe in those tiny particles of plastic and they get into our nose and lungs – yikes!

The term “artificial fragrance” stands for more than 3,000 chemicals and companies do not have to disclose which chemicals are included. So there’s no way of knowing if the chemicals in the product are safe for our health or not. I don’t know about you, but I’d rather be safe than sorry and now that I use essential oils, it’s SO easy to put a few drops in my diffuser or make room sprays like we’re doing today to make my home have a spooky and fun atmosphere for Halloween!

Essential Oils and Diffusers for Halloween and a Spooky Atmosphere

Top Essential Oils for Halloween

Click on the links to read more about the oil and/or purchase it. Get these oils for 24% off by getting an essential oils starter kit! Click here to learn more.

Halloween Essential Oil Diffuser Blends and Recipes

10 Halloween Essential Oil Diffuser Blends

You can put these Halloween essential oil diffuser blends right into your diffuser, or make them into a diffuser bomb in a 1 oz. dropper bottle to use over and over again, or to give to friends!

Happy Halloween

  • 2 drops Clove
  • 2 drops Frankincense
  • 3 drops Patchouli
  • 2 drops Cardamom

Spooky Woods

  • 2 drops Pine
  • 1 drop Lavender
  • 1 drop Patchouli
  • 1 drop Frankincense


  • 4 drops Grapefruit
  • 2 drops Frankincense

Trick or Treat

  • 3 drops Orange
  • 2 drops Frankincense
  • 2 drops Clove
  • 2 drops Ginger

Monster Repellent

  • 2 drops Cedarwood
  • 2 drops Lavender
  • 2 drops Peace and Calming

Candy Bowl

  • 6 drops Cinnamon Bark
  • 3 drops Tangerine

Vampire's Breath

  • 3 drops Orange
  • 2 drops Clary Sage
  • 2 drops Patchouli

Casper the Friendly Ghost

  • 3 drops Ginger
  • 2 drops Cinnamon
  • 2 drops Citrus Fresh
  • 1 drop Lavender

Haunted House

  • 3 drops Orange
  • 2 drops Cedarwood
  • 2 drops Clove
  • 2 drops Frankincense
  • 2 drops Ginger

Witch's Brew

  • 2 drops Pine
  • 1 drop Frankincense
  • 1 drop Patchouli
  • 1 drop Lavender

How to Make Spray Bottles from These Recipes

  • Get 2 or 4 oz. glass bottles on Amazon.
  • The recipes above will be enough for 2 oz. bottles but double them if you use 4 oz. bottles.
  • First, drop a pinch of salt in the bottom of your bottle.
  • Then add the essential oils.
  • Next add the water.
  • Done!

How to Get Started with Essential Oils

I started using essential oils in 2011 to make my own cleaning products without toxins, which is also when this blog was born! I bought the cheapest oils I could find and eventually started to try to use them for our health, too. But we didn’t see any difference – my kids would still end up at the Pediatrician’s office and we missed many activities due to sickness. In 2014, a friend told me about Young Living. I was skeptical that their oils would be any better than the ones I’d be trying, but I thought I’d try one last time.I bought their Premium Starter Kit and have never looked back! The oils worked straight out of the box. I continue to use their oils, supplements, and household products daily and I love that I don’t have to worry about toxins or research ingredients. Learn more about Young Living here!

Do you have an essential oils business?

Then check out my essential oil make and take class kits on Etsy! They include entire class scripts, shopping lists with links, table cards, recipe cards for your guests, a class handout for your guests and more! These kits remove the headache and overwhelm so you can just teach and hang out with your guests. Click here to see the Spooktacular one on Etsy!

Diffuser Blends for Every Season of the Year!

If you enjoyed these Halloween diffuser blends, you'll love these posts, too!



  1. This article is a valuable resource for those seeking innovative ways to infuse the essence of Halloween into their homes. Thank you.

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