Oil Pulling Challenge – Day 5
We're a-swishin' and a-detoxin' over here! Yep, that's the Oil Pulling Challenge! Ever wanted to try oil pulling but needed some motivation? I've challenged my readers to a week-long oil pulling challenge to see what changes it can make in their health. Today is day 5!
If you've just joined us, don't worry, you can pick it up at anytime. You can go back to the beginning and see why we're doing this weird, crunchy thing to begin with!
- Oil Pulling – What is It and Why Would You Want to Do It?
- Day 1 (tip to use peppermint oil here)
- Day 2 (common struggles discussed)
- Day 3 (tip to keep from gagging)
- Day 4 (how it helps with allergies & even PMS symptoms!)
- Day 5 (teeth are much whiter)
- Day 6 (healed a toothache and a sore throat)
- Day 7 (detoxing & die-off symptoms)
My Day 5 Experience
Today was much easier than yesterday – cooking seems to be the thing that makes the time fly for me! So, I swished while I was making breakfast. My husband was home so I didn't have to talk and the kids thought it was really funny that I was grunting and pointing, which really helped. My eczema is improving, which is awesome because I've been trying to get rid of it with the GAPS diet for many months and it's never completely gone away. I need to do the intro part of the diet (still having a hard time getting up the mental energy to do it!), but in the meantime, maybe oil pulling will really help. I really looked at my teeth last night and noticed they are several shades whiter and the tartar at the bottom of my teeth is still gone (noticed it was gone yesterday).
What You Crunchies Are Sayin'
I love the comments you've been leaving, keep 'em coming! I share the most informative or encouraging ones each day.
An Oil Pulling Pro Shares Her Story
Reader Donna wrote this yesterday:
I did not start the challenge with you as I had already been oil-pulling for over a month. I love it! I use coconut oil and noticed my teeth were considerably whiter after a couple of times. And not the “flourescent” white you get with whitening strips. So happy to learn of this process instead I think my gums look pinker and the tarter build-up area at the base of my teeth looks very clean. I do my oil-pulling while in the shower so swishing time passes with a breeze. I start and then will stop new things when I feel it’s not living up to the “hype”….this is one I will NOT stop. Good luck to everyone!
Kym's Success Story: “I feel that my teeth are much whiter and that I have more energy. I do this in the morning after breakfast, tea, and tooth brushing.”
Do You Have to Do it In the Morning?
Many have asked me when the best time of day is to do it. From what I've read, it's most important to do it on an empty stomach. For most of us, that's when you wake up in the morning. However, doing it several hours after you've eaten would work okay, too, I don't think there's a big difference. Many seem to have more success with it in the morning, which is when I try to do it. Doing it daily or several times a week is ideal to get the full benefits. I think the most important thing is the length of time and that the oil you're using is pure. The longer you swish, the more toxins are pulled out.