Safe Products You Can Purchase

Click on the links to purchase the products on Amazon.

Body Washes

Cosmetics (Makeup)


Feminine Hygiene Products

Hand Soaps


Nail Polish

Shampoos & Conditioners



Toothpastes & Mouthwashes

Natural Products Just for Kids

Click on the links below to purchase from Amazon. 


To make all of the recipes from the book, you need:

Suggested Essential Oils for Beauty Products

Just need one or two bottles to get started. Click on the link to purchase the oil or to learn more.

* indicates that it comes in the Premium Starter Kit


Detox Your Home book

Well make sure to grab it on Amazon today so you can get started detoxing the toxins out of your cleaning products, laundry room, beauty products and food today! There are more than 80 recipes included that make switching over to a healthy home much cheaper and more fun. Click here to get your copy!