5 Easy Steps to Go Natural In Your Home

Going natural and getting rid of the toxins in your home can feel like an overwhelming process. Where do I start? What do I get rid of? How do I know if something is toxic? I've been there, so I wrote up a guide to help you with five easy steps to go natural in your home. This will make it much easier and take you step by step!

5 Easy Ways to Go Natural In Your Home

The Merry Messy Moms Show

This post is also live on my podcast! Tune into The Merry Messy Moms show wherever you get your podcasts, or listen below.

Here are the five steps I took as a mom of four to go natural in my home. I did it while I had a 2-year-old and a new baby, so if I can do 2-year-old it, anyone can!

Step 1 – Find out which products are the most toxic

The first step is to go natural in your home is to go https://www.ewg.org/skindeep/ and enter in your most-used cleaning, laundry, bath, and beauty products to see their toxicity ratings. Be prepared for a shock! I love this website because it also explains each ingredient and says the specific harm it can cause.

Step 2 – Throw the Top 5 Worst Offenders in the Trash

Now pick 1-5 of the most toxic products, based on the EWG ratings, and throw them in the trash! This may seem wasteful at first, but this is a big step in the right direction to make your home safe for you, your family and even the pets. If you’ve got the budget to replace more than five, go for it! Otherwise, one idea is to stick with replacing 1-5 products a month to keep it affordable (under $20 a month!).

Step 3 – Decision Time – Make or Buy Replacements?

Now it’s decision time. Do you want to buy replacements for those products or make replacements? If you want to buy replacements, visit my Amazon storefront to see which products I recommend! If you’d like to really save a lot of money, then you can use the list of recipes in step 5 to make your own replacements.

Step 4 – Buy the Supplies or the Products 

If you’re making some or all of your own products, then you’ll need to buy supplies. Here are the things I suggest starting with first (click on the links to purchase on Amazon):

Step 5 – Start Making Replacements

Use the recipes from my blog, or find them all in one place in my Detox Your Home book to start making replacements! Again, you can go at your own pace based on budget and time. Only have the money or mental energy to replace one product a month? That’s fine! There is no wrong way or wrong timeframe in which to do this!

Here are the top recipes I recommend starting with first, as they'll make the biggest impact on removing toxins from your home.

Safe Products to Purchase (from Amazon)

Go Natural In Your Home with these 5 Easy Steps


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