Funny Mom Memes about Baby Life
Here's the ultimate list of funny mom memes for mamas with babies! In those early years of having babies, funny things like memes and blog posts from other moms who GET it helped to cheer me up. Those long days and nights with little sleep, covered in spit up, wondering when your life will ever get back to “normal” can be tough, and us mothers need all of the support we can get! Here are some memes to add a little light to your day!
That moment when your baby cries and your boobs are all “go go gadget milk.”
Or other babies cry and your boobs still start squirting! Haha
You know you're a mom when if you hair is brushed and your bra is on before noon, it's gonna be a great day!
I still have many days that this doesn't happen! How about you?
Moms – the only people that know the true meaning of 24/7.
Right? Our jobs don't end just because we go to sleep.
Shower Schizophrenia – the constant belief that you hear a child crying while you're in the shower.
And it doesn't end after having babies! I'm still on high alert with older kids.
Motherhood: when changing from plaid flannel PJ's into leggings qualifies as “getting dressed.”
Right? And when you do actually put on jeans or even a (gasp) cute dress or outfit, your kids all wonder where you're going today!
I find it suspicious that the person who tells me to “enjoy every moment with my kids” also looks so well-rested and booger free.
FOR REAL. Unless you're going to give me a hand or tell me I'm a super mama, keep your mouth shut!
Now that I'm a mom I understand those women who move slowly in stores. They're moms who managed to get out alone!
It is not easy to get out alone! And when we do it's like a vacation!

Woo hoo! It's Friday! Oh wait, I'm a mom.
Mamas, don't be shy about asking for your well deserved time off! Take a few hours and go to Starbucks, get a drink, and then slowly walk around Target enjoying every single second.
You know you're a mom when your idea of world peace is everything having a drive through.
I remember thinking this every time I went to the grocery store! And now we use Kroger Click List and I'm in LOVE.
“You look tired.” I'm a mom. I'm pretty sure this is just my face now.
OMG yes. But I can say, now that my kids are 3 to 10, it DOES get better mamas. There is light at the end of the tunnel! But that sleep depravation with babies is no freaking joke. It feels like you're locked up in Guantanamo Bay.
Hope you enjoyed those mamas! Grab my free eBook below on mindfulness for moms and get 25 free affirmations for moms and for your kids! Also, make sure to check out my podcast – The Merry Messy Moms Show on iTunes or anywhere you get your podcasts.
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