Create Habits You Need for a Clean and Decluttered Home in Just 21 Days!
Day 3 – Post or Set Reminders
Were there any resources from yesterday that were helpful to you? This group also counts as a resource, BTW. If you've gotten one of her books and have started reading it, let us know in the comments below what you think of it!
Marla Cilley's (the Flylady's) Control Journal, or Home Management Journal as I like to call it, started with Post-It notes she put up around her house to remind her of the habits she was creating. So today's step is to write “Get Dressed” and “Shine Sink” on Post-It and put them up in a place where you'll see them in morning, like your bathroom mirror.
If you'd like to go a step further, you could download my free home control journal printables by joining my email list below and start writing in your daily routines, which can include shining your sink and getting dressed to shoes.
Post Reminders Around Your House, or use Reminders on Your Phone or Smart Watch
To modernize this tip, you could put your daily routine reminders in your reminders app on your phone! Then you'll get a little ding every day to remind you to do what you need to do.
The Power of Using a Timer
Her last tip for day 3 is to get yourself a small kitchen timer. We will use that to clean the house! I personally have been using the timer on my phone instead. But be careful! Once we open up our phones, we can get so distracted and lost easily on the different apps, especially social media. So I tell Siri, “Siri, start a timer for 15 minutes.” Then I stay on the lock screen and don't get lost!