Create Habits You Need for a Clean and Decluttered Home in Just 21 Days!
Day 8 – Start Your Home Management Binder
Here are the daily habits we've built so far! Now we can see how we are building a morning and evening routine, which is the foundation of the Flylady system.

Morning Routine
- Get dressed to shoes
- Check your post-it, phone or written daily reminders
- Become aware of a few of your negative thoughts and replace them with positive ones
- Take two minutes to tackle one hot spot
Evening Routine
- Shine the kitchen sink
- Plan your outfit for the next day at bedtime
- Take two minutes to tackle one hot spot
Today you're going to start a home management binder! This part was fun for me, I felt like I was getting ready for the first day of school. Also, this helps us to treat home management like a job – because it is a job. Act like the Home CEO that you are!
You have a very important role as the home manager. As the mom, you set the tone, atmosphere and culture of the home. This is the space where the people you love most in the world will learn, grow and develop and you get the honor of making it a special, cozy, inviting space.
I have an in-depth post on how to create your own home management binder here, but for now, all you really need is to grab a three-ring binder that you most likely already have lying around your house and some notebook paper.
On one piece of paper, write “Morning Routine” and fill it in with what we've been doing, and on the another piece of paper write down your evening routine. Don't worry about it being perfect! This is a list you can change at anything – it's a living, breathing document that will change with you as your life changes.