Get Your Home in Shape with Flylady 31 Baby Steps
Day 30 – Look Ahead to Next Month
Let's review our daily habits! How are they going for you? Remember, this about progress not perfection, so no beating yourself up or allowing shame to creep in. Just do your best, and some days, that may only look like getting out of bed and getting dressed.

Morning Routine
- Make your bed
- Get dressed to shoes
- Check your daily routines in your home management binder
- Check your email for the next baby step – done!
- Become aware of a few of your negative thoughts and replace them with positive ones
- Hot Spot – set your timer for two minutes to tackle one hot spot
- Room Rescue – set your timer for five minutes to do a room rescue
- Clean – set your timer for 15 minutes and clean (or declutter) one area
- Do a quick swish and swipe in your main bathroom
- Make a plan for tonight's dinner
- Start a load of laundry
Afternoon Routine
- Eat lunch and drink your water
- Take a few minutes to relax
- Start Dinner
Evening Routine
- Shine the kitchen sink
- Finish the load of laundry
- Plan your outfit for the next day at bedtime
- Set your timer for two minutes to tackle one hot spot
- Look at your home management binder checklists for tomorrow
- Go to bed at a good time!
Today you're going to look ahead to next month (or this month if you're at the beginning of it) to see which holidays are coming around, which birthdays there are to celebrate. Set your timer for 15 minutes to do this task! You can even start writing or typing in other events on a calendar you'll need to keep track of, like kids' activities, sports, social gatherings, etc. If there is a birthday coming up, add their gift or card to your to-do list. The Flylady suggests to do this every month on the 27th, so you get ahead for these special days! This will make it easier to enjoy those birthdays, sporting events, and social gatherings because you won't be planning last-minute and feeling stressed!
Super fly!
This is so cool.I have done this in the past. I dont remember this step, but its a good one.
Thank you Lori
Yeah it’s a really helpful step, isn’t it? Since we also have digital clutter.
Love the 2 minutes! I’m not much of a visual cluttered. I put everything in drawers! Haha. So I cleaned the 2 drawers of my China cabinet. 2 minutes each drawer. Just doing this everyday will help me get rid of a lot of junk!
That’s so awesome, Janet! Great job. And I’m the same – I like to have all of my things in cabinets and drawers.
This is so awesome! It’s definitely something I need to try.
Yeah it’s really helpful! I highly recommend her program.
Thanks so much for impacting us with your knowledge and time you spend to do research we appreciate.
After team driving with my husband and only being home 24 hours a week for 5yrs. Im finally home now with granddaughters… & the awful, chaotic, mess of a house. So very grateful to find your page. Im so overwhelmed and squirrel with a thousand other things i need to clean. I have true hope now to have a real organized & clean home to enjoy!
I have taken to replacing most of the shoulds with coulds . Ex: I should do the dishes/I could do the dishes. Thanks to my French friends for their inspiration! (Other Europeans as well.)
In addition to putting washcloths and dish towels into the laundry every day I also add pillowcases. Helps keep the sweat and whatever else emerges in the night off the face!
My grandmother and all her friends always dressed in the morning. Down to a nice necklace. Our Mom as well. No slobby sweatpants!
Thanks for your help!