Get Your Home in Shape with Flylady 31 Baby Steps

Day 5 – Be Kind to Myself Day

Flylady 31 Baby Steps - Day 5 - Be Kind to Myself

The daily habits we've built so far are:

  • Get dressed to shoes
  • Shine the kitchen sink
  • Check your post-it, phone or written daily reminders
  • Read a chapter of one of Cilley's books, or read her messages on her main website, or come back to this post to see the next day's baby step

So today we are going to become aware of our negative, sabotaging thoughts! ? It's nearly impossible to succeed at much of anything if we are beating ourselves up with our thoughts and beliefs. So it's important before accomplishing any goal, that we do this step in order to have success! As women, we tend to have a lot of negative thoughts about ourselves.

Write Down the Negative Thought, and Replace it with the Truth

?Today you'll start the very important habit of learning to hear, or become aware, of your own thoughts and write a few of them down. Next to those negative thoughts, also known as lies, write down the truth next to it.

? Write at least one of the positive statements or affirmations on a Post-It note and put it on your mirror. Next time that negative thought pops up, mentally replace it with the positive one!

Download a Free Affirmations Book

I did this five years ago or so and it really help to improve my mental and emotional state. Click here where you can download a free affirmations for mom e-Book to switch out those negative thoughts for positive, empowering ones! We are trading lies for truth – the truth shall set you free!

The reason there is unkindness in the world is because we are first unkind to ourselves. A happier home, a happier community, and a happier world starts with us first being kind to ourselves and believing in our worth and value.

Tune in to this day's step on my podcast, The Merry Messy Moms Show!

Click below for the next day of the Flylady 31 Baby Steps – where it says Pages 1 2 3 4, etc.


  1. Love the 2 minutes! I’m not much of a visual cluttered. I put everything in drawers! Haha. So I cleaned the 2 drawers of my China cabinet. 2 minutes each drawer. Just doing this everyday will help me get rid of a lot of junk!

  2. After team driving with my husband and only being home 24 hours a week for 5yrs. Im finally home now with granddaughters… & the awful, chaotic, mess of a house. So very grateful to find your page. Im so overwhelmed and squirrel with a thousand other things i need to clean. I have true hope now to have a real organized & clean home to enjoy!

  3. I have taken to replacing most of the shoulds with coulds . Ex: I should do the dishes/I could do the dishes. Thanks to my French friends for their inspiration! (Other Europeans as well.)

  4. In addition to putting washcloths and dish towels into the laundry every day I also add pillowcases. Helps keep the sweat and whatever else emerges in the night off the face!

  5. My grandmother and all her friends always dressed in the morning. Down to a nice necklace. Our Mom as well. No slobby sweatpants!

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