Get Your Home in Shape with Flylady 31 Baby Steps
Day 7 – Plan Your Outfit for the Next Day at Bedtime
How'd cleaning a hot spot go yesterday? Were you surprised by how much can be accomplished in just two minutes? I know this timer tip helped change my mindset about cleaning all together. It helped me to see it's not as big of a deal as I've made it out to be before.

Here are the daily habits we've built so far:
- Get dressed to shoes
- Shine the kitchen sink
- Check your post-it, phone or written daily reminders
- Read a chapter of one of Cilley's books, or read her messages on her main website, or come back to this post to see the next day's baby step
- Become aware of a few of your negative thoughts and replace them with positive ones
- Take two minutes to tackle one hot spot a day
Today is one of my favorite steps – plan your outfit at bedtime! This one habit has helped me so much that I wrote an entire blog post about it. It makes waking up in the morning and getting ready much faster and more pleasant. It's less I have think about, make decisions about or worry about in the mornings! I just grab my cute outfit and go.
Tip – take a picture of your outfit each night for a few weeks. Save them to a folder on your phone. Then, you can look back and see which clothes you're actually wearing on a regular basis and can declutter the ones you aren't touching. You can also use this folder to help plan outfits in the future – use them as your own inspiration! You could even print out the pictures and start a little photo album to pull from. This can also help you to build a capsule wardrobe.
Super fly!
This is so cool.I have done this in the past. I dont remember this step, but its a good one.
Thank you Lori
Yeah it’s a really helpful step, isn’t it? Since we also have digital clutter.
Love the 2 minutes! I’m not much of a visual cluttered. I put everything in drawers! Haha. So I cleaned the 2 drawers of my China cabinet. 2 minutes each drawer. Just doing this everyday will help me get rid of a lot of junk!
That’s so awesome, Janet! Great job. And I’m the same – I like to have all of my things in cabinets and drawers.
This is so awesome! It’s definitely something I need to try.
Yeah it’s really helpful! I highly recommend her program.
Thanks so much for impacting us with your knowledge and time you spend to do research we appreciate.
After team driving with my husband and only being home 24 hours a week for 5yrs. Im finally home now with granddaughters… & the awful, chaotic, mess of a house. So very grateful to find your page. Im so overwhelmed and squirrel with a thousand other things i need to clean. I have true hope now to have a real organized & clean home to enjoy!
I have taken to replacing most of the shoulds with coulds . Ex: I should do the dishes/I could do the dishes. Thanks to my French friends for their inspiration! (Other Europeans as well.)
In addition to putting washcloths and dish towels into the laundry every day I also add pillowcases. Helps keep the sweat and whatever else emerges in the night off the face!
My grandmother and all her friends always dressed in the morning. Down to a nice necklace. Our Mom as well. No slobby sweatpants!
Thanks for your help!